Forward Modelling from Tracer Luminosity Function

In this tutorial, we demonstrate how one could compute certain quantities from the tracer luminosity function (LF) using the lumfunc_modeller module.

Visualise the luminosity function surface

To get hold of the demo data (a parameter file for the LF model), we use the get_test_data_loc function from the utils module.

from horizonground.utils import get_test_data_loc

demo_parameter_file = get_test_data_loc("eBOSS_QSO_LF_PLE_model_fits.txt")

Just to show the contents of the file: there is a comment line with \(\mathrm{\LaTeX}\) strings for the parameter names and a comma-demilited line for the parameter values.

with open(demo_parameter_file, 'r') as f:
# m_\ast(z_\mathrm{p}), \Delta{m_\ast(z_\mathrm{p})}, \lg\Phi_\ast, \Delta\lg\Phi_\ast, \alpha_\mathrm{l}, \Delta\alpha_\mathrm{l}, \alpha_\mathrm{h}, \Delta\alpha_\mathrm{h}, \beta_\mathrm{l}, \Delta\beta_\mathrm{l}, \beta_\mathrm{h}, \Delta\beta_\mathrm{h}, k_{1\mathrm{l}}, \Delta{k_{1\mathrm{l}}}, k_{1\mathrm{h}}, \Delta{k_{1\mathrm{h}}}, k_{2\mathrm{l}}, \Delta{k_{2\mathrm{l}}}, k_{2\mathrm{h}}, \Delta{k_{2\mathrm{h}}}
-26.71, 0.15, -6.01, 0.07, -4.31, 0.26, -3.04, 0.12, -1.54, 0.04, -1.38, 0.07, -0.08, 0.08, -0.25, 0.09, -0.40, 0.05, -0.05, 0.06

We will adopt the pure luminosity evolution (PLE) model for the quasar luminosity function with Planck15 cosmology. First, load the modeller class LumFuncModeller and quasar_PLE_lumfunc. Note that we need to specify the brightness variable (luminosity \(L\) or magnitude \(m\)) for the luminosity function. The threshold here is given as an apparent magnitude, which we convert to an absolute magnitude at redshift normalisation_redshift=2 by setting normalise_thresold=True. We use the classmethod from_parameter_file to instantiate this class, which under the hood converts demo_parameter_file shown above to a dictionary of keyword arguments values passed to the model_lumfunc.

from astropy.cosmology import Planck15
from horizonground.lumfunc_modeller import LumFuncModeller, quasar_PLE_lumfunc

PLE_modeller = LumFuncModeller.from_parameter_file(

We can see the attrbibutes of this modeller holding the input parameters:

from pprint import pprint

{'brightness_variable': 'magnitude',
 'model_parameters': {'\\Delta\\alpha_\\mathrm{h}': 0.12,
                      '\\Delta\\alpha_\\mathrm{l}': 0.26,
                      '\\Delta\\beta_\\mathrm{h}': 0.07,
                      '\\Delta\\beta_\\mathrm{l}': 0.04,
                      '\\Delta\\lg\\Phi_\\ast': 0.07,
                      '\\Delta{k_{1\\mathrm{h}}}': 0.09,
                      '\\Delta{k_{1\\mathrm{l}}}': 0.08,
                      '\\Delta{k_{2\\mathrm{h}}}': 0.06,
                      '\\Delta{k_{2\\mathrm{l}}}': 0.05,
                      '\\Delta{m_\\ast(z_\\mathrm{p})}': 0.15,
                      '\\alpha_\\mathrm{h}': -3.04,
                      '\\alpha_\\mathrm{l}': -4.31,
                      '\\beta_\\mathrm{h}': -1.38,
                      '\\beta_\\mathrm{l}': -1.54,
                      '\\lg\\Phi_\\ast': -6.01,
                      'base10_log': False,
                      'k_{1\\mathrm{h}}': -0.25,
                      'k_{1\\mathrm{l}}': -0.08,
                      'k_{2\\mathrm{h}}': -0.05,
                      'k_{2\\mathrm{l}}': -0.4,
                      'm_\\ast(z_\\mathrm{p})': -26.71}}

We can now visualise the LF as a surface over \((m, z)\) coordinates.

%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d

NUM_MESH = 100
MAGNITUDE_RANGE = -29.0, -20.6
DENSITY_RANGE = pow(10, -9.225), pow(10, -4.775)

magnitudes = np.linspace(*MAGNITUDE_RANGE, num=NUM_MESH, endpoint=False)
redshifts = np.linspace(*REDSHIFT_RANGE, num=NUM_MESH, endpoint=False)

m_grid, z_grid = np.meshgrid(magnitudes, redshifts)
Phi_grid = PLE_modeller.luminosity_function(m_grid, z_grid)

fig = plt.figure("Luminosity function surface", figsize=(7, 4.5), dpi=100)
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')

ax.plot_surface(m_grid, z_grid, Phi_grid, cmap=sns.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True), edgecolor='none')

ax.set_xlabel(r"$m$", labelpad=10)
ax.set_ylabel(r"$z$", labelpad=10)

ax.set_zticks([pow(10, -5), pow(10, -6)])
ax.set_zlabel(r"$\Phi(m,z)$ [$\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3} \mathrm{mag}^{-1}$]", labelpad=2);

Further, we can derive the comoving number density, evolution bias and magnification bias at, say, redshift \(z = 2\).

from IPython.display import display, Math

    r"\text{Comoving number density: }" +
    r"\bar{{n}} = {:.5f}\ (h/\textrm{{Mpc}})^3".format(PLE_modeller.comoving_number_density(2.))
    r"\text{Evolution bias: }" +
    r"b_\textrm{{e}} = {:.3f}".format(PLE_modeller.evolution_bias(2.))
    r"\text{Magnification bias: }" +
    r"s = {:.3f}".format(PLE_modeller.magnification_bias(2.))
$\displaystyle \text{Comoving number density: }\bar{n} = 0.00002\ (h/\textrm{Mpc})^3$
$\displaystyle \text{Evolution bias: }b_\textrm{e} = -0.381$
$\displaystyle \text{Magnification bias: }s = 0.086$

Customise your own luminosity function

One could define one’s own LF in the form of a Python function lum_func(lum, redshift, example_kwarg=None) and pass it to the modeller class LumFuncModeller. Note that we are not using the classmethod from_parameter_file as we will pass the keyword arguments manually.

Note that the luminosity function should return a value in the unit of \(\textrm{Mpc}^{-3}\). We also recommend that you add a boolean keyword parameter base10_log, so that when it is True the function returns base-10 logarithmic values.

def custom_lum_func(m, z, base10_log=False, dummy_kwarg='off'):
    if dummy_kwarg == 'off':
        return m * z
        return m + z

custom_modeller = LumFuncModeller(
    custom_lum_func, dict(dummy_kwarg='off'),
    brightness_variable='magnitude', threshold_value=-20, cosmology=Planck15

Similarly, we can calculate the evolution and magnification bias.

    r"\text{Evolution bias: }" +
    r"b_\textrm{{e}} = {:.3f}".format(custom_modeller.evolution_bias(2.))
    r"\text{Magnification bias: }" +
    r"s = {:.3f}".format(custom_modeller.magnification_bias(2.))
$\displaystyle \text{Evolution bias: }b_\textrm{e} = -1.500$
$\displaystyle \text{Magnification bias: }s = -0.003$